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Keyman Engine 14.0 API changes


  • Keyman for Windows version numbers will be presented with only three components rather than four, matching other platforms. Executable files will continue to use Windows standard resource four-component versions.

  • BREAKING: Keyman Configuration now uses Chromium rather than Internet Explorer for its user interface. There may be Internet Explorer-specific code in older integrations that will need to be brought into standards compliance.

  • Keyman Engine for Windows now supports IKeymanKeyboardsInstalled2, IKeymanKeyboardFile2, IKeymanPackagesInstalled2 and IKeymanPackageFile2, all of which add a single new method Install2. This new method enables installation of a Keyman keyboard without a corresponding install of the input method for the default language, allowing for a single user step install of keyboard + specific language. This is the recommended way of installing keyboard languages for Keyman Engine for Windows 14.


  • Keyman Engine 14 requires linking with Sentry.framework.

  • The old LanguageResource protocol has been reworked, with AnyLanguageResource taking its place.

    • LanguageResource still exists, but now uses an associatedtype, which restricts its use in return types and some variable declarations.
    • AnyLanguageResource is equivalent for cases that don't rely upon the specific resource type, perfectly matching the original version of the protocol.
  • New API: ResourceDownloadManager.downloadPackage(withKey:from:withNotifications:completionBlock)

    • This function downloads a package from a known location and automatically parses it (as with KeymanPackage.parse), preparing it for installation or returning errors that arise during such attempts.
    • If the completionBlock parameter's closure declares its first parameter as a specific type of package, downloadPackage will perform error-handling should the package type not match.
  • New API: ResourceFileManager.install(resourceWithID:from:)

    • Given a parsed/prepared package and the ID of a resource within it it, this function installs that resource within KeymanEngine.
    • It will also examine the contents of the package for potential updates and perform them automatically.
  • The KeymanPackage class is now much more fully fleshed-out, providing many package-oriented properties and methods.

  • The keyboard and lexical model download notifications (such as KeyboardDownloadCompleted) have been removed in favor of package-oriented variants (such as PackageDownloadCompleted).

    • They generally return a KeymanPackage.Key identifying the triggering package.
    • As the Completed version represents a successful download, it will instead provide the downloaded KeymanPackage instance.
  • User installation of new keyboards should utilize the new KeyboardSearchViewController.

  • KeymanPackage.parse no longer needs a completion block

    • The new version has been added that is explicitly synchronous and directly returns the old completion block's parameter.
    • The old version is still in-place and functions as before - synchronously.
  • Similarly, multiple ResourceFileManager methods no longer need completion blocks, also directly returning the values they provided.

    • Exception: promptPackageInstall, which is asynchronous due to user interaction.
    • Affects two prepareKMPInstall versions and finalizePackageInstall.
  • Manager:

    • addKeyboard and addLexicalModel deprecated in favor of the new ResourceFileManager.install variants
    • preloadFiles also deprecated in favor of KMP-based installation, which should also use the method listed above.
  • APIKeyboardRepository and related classes/protocols are now deprecated.

  • APILexicalModelRepository and related classes/protocols have been removed.

  • LanguageViewController and LanguageDetailViewController, both views previously used by users to install keyboards, have been removed.

  • Note that applications using the KeymanEngine framework should consider use of the Migrations.migrate(storage:) method, as the file organization scheme and file lookup patterns used internally by KeymanEngine have changed slightly.


  • BREAKING: Moved from API 19 to minimum API level 21 (Lollipop / Android 5.0) with corresponding Chromium minimum release M37.
  • BREAKING: Replaced Fabric/Crashlytics with Sentry for crash reporting

    • build.gradle changes:
    android {
      compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    dependencies {
      implementation 'io.sentry:sentry-android:2.0.1'
  • BREAKING: Additional dependencies needed for 14.0
    • androidx.preference:preferences:1.1.1. (Needed for Keyman Engine to update display language)
  • BREAKING: Deprecated KMManager APIs
    • KMManager.showLanguageList()
    • Keyman Engine no longer uses cloud keyboard catalog, so showLanguageList() no longer displays. (Embedded browser used to search for keyboards) (Updated)
    • KMManager.KMKey_CustomKeyboard - "Custom" property for keyboards no longer tracked (no change to
    • KMManager.KMKey_CustomModel - "Custom" property for lexical models no longer tracked (no change to
    • addKeyboard - Deprecate syntax using HashMap<string, string>. Replace with <Keyboard>
  • BREAKING: Changed KMManager APIs
    • [KMManager.getLatestKeyboardFileVersion()] - Syntax may change from (String packageID, String keyboardID) to (String languageID, String keyboardID)
  • Feature: Add getDefaultKeyboard() and setDefaultKeyboard()
  • Feature: Add action GLOBE_KEY_ACTION_SHOW_SYSTEM_KEYBOARDS that brings up Android input method picker (Updated)
  • Addition: Add getLanguagePredictionPreferenceKey() and getLanguageCorrectionPreferenceKey() but note they're intended only for Keyman for Android, not 3rd party apps.
  • Use keyboard / lexical model packages instead of standalone .js files
    • Keyboards are now strictly installed from .kmp keyboard packages. 3rd party apps should include their "default" keyboard and lexical model packages at the project's assets/ level. KMManager will extract them into assets/packages/ and assets/models/ respectively. (No longer append version string to .js keyboard file and manually copy to assets/cloud/ folder)
    • build.gradle changes:
      android {
      // Don't compress kmp files so they can be copied via AssetManager
      aaptOptions {
      noCompress "kmp"
    • Keyman Engine no longer includes sil_euro_latin as a default installed keyboard.


  • BREAKING: Ceased support for Internet Explorer.
  • BREAKING: No longer testing against legacy Edge.
  • DEPRECATED: When language-specific wordbreaking is needed, custom lexical models (dictionaries) should specify a core wordbreaker algorithm that can break all words in a string at once, rather than only the last word in a context.
    • wordbreak will still be useful when running under Keyman 12 and 13.
    • if wordbreak is specified but wordbreaker is not, it will be incompatible with version 14.0's enhanced correction features.
  • 14.0 brings significant enhancements to predictive text when models are able to provide a way to efficiently "traverse" the lexicon.
    • This is handled automatically for compiled wordlist-based models, even those compiled in previous versions of Keyman.
    • Custom models (which are currently not possible to compile within Developer) should refer to the new LexiconTraversal type specified within the @keymanapp/models-types package. Models must implement this type and the related LexicalModel.traverseFromRoot() to be compatible with these enhancements.

Do you already have Keyman for iPhone and iPad installed on this device?

Yes - Install Keyboard No - Download from the App Store Cancel

Do you already have Keyman for Android installed on this device?

Yes - Install Keyboard No - Download from the Play Store Cancel